Lab equipment

The lab features two primary brain stimulation equipment and navigational software

Brain stimulation

DuoMAG XT-100

The DuoMAG is a versatile system with the ability to run customizable single-pulse and repetitive protocols.

It also features an integrated EMG module


EMG batteries

Please ensure EMG module batteries are charged in between heavy usage. If EMG module does not have charge, even if not being used, the stimulator will not run a protocol (only manual single pulse).

Manufacturer manual available for download here

TUS system

For a guide on preparing hair for TUS stimulation see here


Brain sight

The BrainBox Brainsight TMS Navigation software is essential to delivering reliable target localisation for single-pulse TMS and repetitive TMS, utalising intergreated software and optical infrared camera tracking systems.

Software and equipment manual available for download here

DuoMAG intergration

This guide for outlines patient registration, coil calibration & targeting with the DuoMAG and brainsight software, see this download


This download includes notes on taking basic Actual Motor Threshold measurements through single-pulse hand knob stimulation for Motor Evoked Potentials.