BRIC resources


  • Researchers involved in research projects at BRIC can be provided with a Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine for data analysis and other computing needs.

  • For analyses or simulations requiring more computing power, university staff can also request access to the university’s high-performance computing cluster(s) (HPC).

    • For more information and to request an account, see this page

    • For help on using the University’s HPC, see this page

  • The school of psychology owns a multi-user 64-thread Linux workstation with 2 GPUs, DeepSim, managed by Andy Wills.

    • For more information and request access, see this page

Azure Cloud Overview

All computing resources for BRIC are hosted in Microsoft’s Azure Cloud, charged on a “pay as you go” basis, it is therefore essential your research VM is running when required and shutdown/deallocated at all other times.

There are four key steps in accessing and using your VM.

  1. Your VM needs to be activated.

  2. You need to be on the UoP network directly or connected via VPN.

  3. Connect/login to your active VM.

  4. When your work is complete your VM needs to be shutdown and deallocated.

The options of how to do this from Windows, Linux and Mac systems are outlined in the sections below. At the end of this document is a summary of Azure commands for quick reference.

Virtual Machine (VM) concepts

Your virtual machine is provisioned with Azure Storage accounts connected as defined in your initial request to build it. Please use these storage accounts for your research data, software and documents in preference to storing data locally on the internal disk (i.e. /home). This is important to understand because - should a problem arise with your VM that needs it to be rebuilt, all data on the internal disk will be lost. Storing data on the internal disk also has the potential to reduce performance of the VM and will in extreme cases cause it to crash or fail to start.

Landscape Diagram

This is a basic visual overview of how the key components in and around Azure are related to each other.

Azure Landscape

Managing your VM on Windows

Start/Stop from a Web browser

Login to the Microsoft ARM Portal using your preferred web browser. The credentials required will be you UoP id and password. Once logged in, select “virtual machines” from the left hand column, you will then see your VM listed, from where it can be started/stopped

Azure VMs Image 1 PNG


The VM status of “Stopped (deallocated)”, is always the required status when your VM is not being used.Check the tick-box next to your VM name, then use the start or stop icon from the options across the top of the page. When your VM status changes to running, it may take a further minute for the network to initialise before allowing remote connections.

Start/Stop from a command line prompt


There are two pre-requisites to enable managing your VM from the Windows command line,

  1. Windows Powershell modules. (Sould come as part of the standard TIS desktop).

  2. Azure Powershell modules. (install guide here)

Connect to your Azure Account.

With the pre-requisites in place you need to connect/authenticate your account with azure. Open a Powershell terminal, and run command:

Powershell Login

This will then open a browser window for you to enter your userid and password. You may also need to completed two factor authentication (2FA).

Connect AZ Account

Once authentication is complete, back on the console window you will see the subscription you are now connected to. You may have multiple Azure subscriptions, so ensure it is the Brain Research Imaging Centre subscription that is showing. To set the default subscription to BRIC:

Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'

Where xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx is the BRIC SubscriptionId. To list available subscriptions:


This will give you the Id of the BRIC subscription to use if needed.

Start your VM

Now you can start your VM with the following command syntax:

Start-AzVM -Name XXXXXXXXX -ResourceGroupName YYYYYYYYY

Where XXXXXXXXX is the name of your VM and YYYYYYYYY is the Azure Resource Group it belongs to.

Stop and deallocate your VM

To stop your VM:

Stop-AzVM -Name XXXXXXXXX -ResourceGroupName YYYYYYYYY

Where XXXXXXXXX is the name of your VM and YYYYYYYYY is the Azure Resource Group it belongs to.

Query status of your VM

To query the status of your VM:

Get-AzVM -Name XXXXXXXXX -ResourceGroupName YYYYYYYYY

Where XXXXXXXXX is the name of your VM and YYYYYYYYY is the Azure Resource Group it belongs to. Example output from these commands,

Powershell examples

Connect to your VM - Command line

None of the Research VMs are in DNS so access will require knowledge of the correct IP address. Access is via secure shell (SSH) connections. There are two options, either direct from the windows command line or via a 3rd party terminal emulator.

From a windows command line (not PowerShell)

ssh -l Researcher

Where is the ipaddress of your VM

The first time you connect respond Y to the prompt confirming the connection. You now have a terminal open to your linux research VM. A basic knowledge of linux commands and the vi editor would be beneficial before using the command line. Regular users of the command line should consider the PuTTy terminal emulator.

From a windows Terminal Emulator (PuTTy)

There are many terminal emulators available for this purpose. My preference is PuTTy details of which are available from the University Work at Home sharepoint site. Once Putty is installed you can save connection settings and customisations of the terminal session. You are also able to create and save access keys to allow password less access from your device.

Connect to your VM – Desktop Environment

Access to the desktop environment is via Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). RDP provides a GUI desktop environment for running commands and applications that have a graphical interface, i.e. MatLab. Open the Remote Desktop Connection App, and enter your VM ip address,

RDP example

Which will prompt you to confirm you want to proceed,

RDP example

You will then be prompted for your VM username and password (Not your UoP username and password),

RDP example

Managing your VM on Linux

Start VM from Web browser

Login to the Microsoft ARM Portal using your preferred web browser. The credentials required will be you UoP id and password. Once logged in, select “virtual machines” from the left hand column, you will then see your VM listed, from where it can be started/stopped

Azure VMs

Note the VM status of “Stopped (deallocated)”, this is always the required status when your VM is not being used.

Check the tick-box next to your VM name, then use the start or stop icon from the options across the top of the page. When your VM status changes to running, it may take a further minute for the network to initialise before allowing remote connections.

Start VM from Linux Command Line


Installing the Linux Azure Client is a pre-requisite to being able to manage VMs from the linux command line. Details of the installation for linux can be found here.

Connect to your Azure Account

Connect using this command, you will be prompted to enter your UoP credentials:

az login

This will open a browser window for you to enter your userid and password. You may also need to completed two factor authentication (2FA).

Connect AZ Account

If you are connected remotely to a linux machine or working on one that does not have a desktop environment, you will get a prompt like this,


Open a web browser and enter the code provided,


You will then be prompted to enter your UoP credentials,


Once login is successful,


You can then return to you command prompt where you will be connected,


You may have access to other Azure subscriptions which will be listed at login. You can list your subscriptions with:

az account subscription list

Using the output from the command above you can set the BRIC subscription:

az account set -s xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

After which you can confirm which account you are connected to with:

az account show

Start Your VM

Start your VM with:

az vm start --resource-group YYYYYYYY --name XXXXXXXX

where YYYYYYYY is the resource group of your VM and XXXXXXXX is the name of your VM. Note the double hyphen preceding resource-group and name.

Stop and deallocate your VM

To stop and deallocate your VM:

az vm deallocate --resource-group YYYYYYYY --name XXXXXXXX

Connect to your VM - Command Line

From the linux command line using SSH:

ssh researcher@your.vm.ip.address

From a terminal emulator such as PuTTy, which is available for install from the software repository or from a command line:

sudo apt-get install putty

Once installed open the PuTTy application and configure connection setting as needed.

Connect to your VM – Desktop Environment

Firstly, you need a terminal emulator installed, in this example remmina is used. Either install from the software repository or from the linux terminal window, run these commands:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:remmina-ppa-team/remmina-next
sudo apt update
sudo apt install remmina remmina-plugin-rdp remmina-plugin-secret

Once installed, open the emulator, which is this icon,


and configure the connection settings.

Managing Your VM on MacOS

Start VM from Web browser

Login to the Microsoft ARM Portal using your preferred web browser. The credentials required will be you UoP id and password. Once logged in, select “virtual machines” from the left hand column, you will then see your VM listed, from where it can be started/stopped

Azure VMs

Note the VM status of “Stopped (deallocated)”, this is always the required status when your VM is not being used.

Check the tick-box next to your VM name, then use the start or stop icon from the options across the top of the page. When your VM status changes to running, it may take a further minute for the network to initialise before allowing remote connections.

Start VM from Mac Command Line


  1. Install Home Brew - Details can be found here.

  2. Install Azure client.

install azure-cli
  1. Upgrade Azure client.

Az Upgrade

Once pre-requisities are met, login to Azure:

az login
Azure Login

This will open a browser, select your UoP account and enter password.

Azure Login

Once logged in successfully you will then see this message,

Azure Login

You can now close the browser or just switch back to the terminal window. If you have more than one Azure account, they will be listed when you have logged in, as in the example below,

AZ Login

To show all your Azure accounts (Subscriptons) use:

az account list
AZ Login

To select the BRIC subscription:

az account set –n “UoP – Brain Research Imaging Centre”
AZ Login

Once the BRIC subscription is selected you are ready to start your VM.

Start your VM

From the terminal window:

az vm start –-resource-group XXXXXXXXX –-name YYYYYYYY

Where, XXXXXXXXX is the Azure resource group that your VM is configured under. YYYYYYYY is the name of your VM

AZ vm start

Stop your VM from Mac command Line

It is essential that your VM is stopped AND deallocated:

az vm stop –-resource-group XXXXXXXXX –-name YYYYYYYY
az vm deallocate –-resource-group XXXXXXXXX –-name YYYYYYYY
Azure VM stop

Connect to your VM – Command line

From the Mac terminal window use the ssh command, with your VM’s IP address:

VM login cmdline

From a terminal emulator such as Termius, connect to your running VM using the IP address. (Termius can be downloaded from the App store)


If you are familiar with PuTTy on Windows, this is also an option on Mac. Details here

Connect to your VM – Desktop Environment

Requires Microsoft Remote Desktop software package, available from the App store

Remote Desktop

Once installed you can configure and save connection settings,

Remote Desktop

Continue if a certificate warning is issued,

Remote Desktop

Then enter your VM login details,

Remote Desktop

You will then be logged into the virtual desktop of your VM,

Remote Desktop

Connect and Access Storage

Access Shared Storage on a VM

Command Line

Based on your defined requirements there will already be a connection to your shared storage account on your VM. From the VM command prompt the df -h command will list filesystem, we are interested in the remote ones which begin with //sauopbric????? as in the example below.

Storage Explorer 1

In the first column “Filesystem”, you will see the storage account name and where it can be accessed in the “Mounted on” column.

In the example above we see,

/media/HP-LloH-HV-010622 ( RAW DATA - from scanner in repository REPO0 )

/media/STUDY-HP-LloH-HV-010622 ( STUDY DATA - shared with all involved in study )

/media/MY-DATA ( PERSONAL DATA - personal storage area per researcher )

/media/COMMON-DATA ( COMMON DATA - available to all for sharing files, documents, data, etc. )


Access Shared Storage remotely

Microsoft Storage Explorer is free to install on Windows/Mac/Linux from this link

Once installed start the app and add your UoP account, by clicking “Sign in with Azure”

Storage Explorer 2

You will need to select Azure,

Storage Explorer 4

Then select the BRIC subscription,

Storage Explorer 3

Enter your UoP credentials when prompted. Once complete you should see something like below. Note you may have access to more than one subscription. We are interested only in UoP – Brain Research Imaging Centre, untick all others that appear.

Storage Explorer 4a

Now click on the top icon on the sidebar, navigate to your storage account and the File Shares, from where your will see the data held within your share, and also options to upload or download data

Storage Explorer 5

Connect UoP OneDrive to VM

It is possible to connect your UoP OneDrive account to your BRIC VM, however without being selective about which folders are synchronised, it highly likely your VM will not have enough internal disk space to hold all of the data. Below are the steps needed to connect and select which folders are to be available on your VM.

Onedrive should already be installed on your VM, to confirm:

which onedrive

this will show the location of the installed program. ( expect to see /usr/bin/ondrive )

Before connecting configure which folders in your UoP OneDrive account are to be synchronised. Update entries in file:


Which looks like this:

# sync_list supports comments
# The ordering of entries is highly recommended - exclusions before inclusions
# Exclude everything
# Exclude secret data folder in root directory only
# Include just the folders you want to see on your VM

Now start and connect to onedrive:


Which will prompt you for authorisation. Click the url,

OneDrive 1

enter your UoP credentials and then copy the resultant url from your browser,

OneDrive 1a

Paste the url back into the waiting command

OneDrive 2

Now check on the sync status:

onedrive --display-sync-status

When you initially setup OneDrive it will take some time to fully synchronise, but generally will be regularly updaing in the background and should look like this,

OneDrive 3

From the command line on your VM OneDrive files are found under /home/Researcher/OneDrive,

OneDrive 4

From the GUI there is a desktop link,

OneDrive 5

Connect Azure Storage to Mac

In addition to using Azure Storage Explorer as described in the previuos section, it is possible to directly connect an Azure Storage account to a Mac. The extract below is taken from here

Open Finder - Finder is open on macOS by default, but you can ensure that it’s the currently selected application by clicking the macOS face icon on the dock


Select “Connect to Server” from the “Go” Menu: Using the UNC path, convert the beginning double backslash (\) to smb:// and all other backslashes () to forward slashes (/). Your link should look like the following


Use the storage account name and storage account key, (available from BRIC IT support), when prompted for a username and password: When you select Connect on the Connect to Server dialog, you’ll be prompted for the username and password (this will be autopopulated with your macOS username). You have the option of placing the storage account name/storage account key in your macOS Keychain.


Storage Account Keys can be requested from BRIC IT Support.

Use the Azure file share as desired: After substituting the share name and storage account key for the username and password, the share will be mounted. You may use this as you would normally use a local folder/file share, including dragging and dropping files into the file share



Shutdown of VM

On your Research VM running script /home/Researcher/Shutdown-Deallocate-VM.bsh will shutdown and deallocate your VM in Azure. The script must be run as user Researcher.

It can be run manually or added to the end of your script. It will take a couple of minutes to be processed.

Command Summary

Examples below are using rg-bric-admin as the resource-group name and vm-bric-devtest-1 as the virtual machine name. Replace these with your resource-group and virtual machine names.




Login to Azure


List your Azure Subscriptions


Set to BRIC Azure Subscription

Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’

Identify your resource group name

Get-AzVM -Name vm-bric-devtest-1

Start Virtual Machine

Start-AzVM -Name vm-bric-devtest-1 -ResourceGroupName rg-bric-admin

Stop & deallocate Virtual Machine

Stop-AzVM -Name vm-bric-devtest-1 -ResourceGroupName rg-bric-admin -Force




Login to Azure

az login

List your Azure Subscriptions

az account subscription list

Set to BRIC Azure Subscription

az account set -s ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’

Identify your resource group name

az vm list | grep -i resourcegroup": | tail -1

Start Virtual Machine

az vm start –resource-group rg-bric-admin –name vm-bric-devtest-1

Stop & deallocate Virtual Machine

az vm deallocate –resource-group rg-bric-admin –name vm-bric-devtest-1




Login to Azure

az login

List your Azure Subscriptions

az account show

Set to BRIC Azure Subscription

az account set -s ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’

Identify your resource group name

az vm list | grep -i resourcegroup": | tail -1

Start Virtual Machine

az vm start –resource-group rg-bric-admin –name vm-bric-devtest-1

Stop & deallocate Virtual Machine

az vm deallocate –resource-group rg-bric-admin –name vm-bric-devtest-1

Azure LAB user guide

This wiki outlines to steps needed to register, log-in and manage your UoP BRIC student Azure LAB virtual machine. It is very important to read and follow the logout activities detailed at the end. Should you have any questions please contact Paul Greening

Register for LAB

Your invite to register for an AZURE lab will be via email from Microsoft Azure,


The email will contain a link to register for the lab,


Click the link and use your UoP credentials to log in,


It will take a few seconds to register,


Eventually you will be logged into Azure Lab Services and see the Virtual Machine (VM) you have been assigned,



You can return to your Azure lab at any time using this url My Virtul Machine - Azure Lab Services

Start your LAB VM

To start the VM use the toggle switch to begin booting,

VM Start 1

It will take a couple of minutes before becoming available,

VM Start 2

Connect to your VM

To connect to your VM, click on the monitor icon,

Connect VM 1

This provides two options, • RDP - for a GUI desktop environment login • SSH - for command line only login

Select RDP, this will download a Remote Desktop Connection file

Connect VM 2

Open the downloaded file to establish an RDP connection to your VM,

Connect VM 3

Just click the OK button.

You are now logged into your VM, the desktop should look like this,

Connect VM 4

Your VM is running a linux (Ubuntu) operating system. Most activities will be through GUI menus, however as some initial user setup is needed, a basic knowledge of linux commands would be useful. The initial steps to connect your university OneDrive account are detailed below.

Connect your OneDrive account

Open Onedriver, which is accessible from the application menu, under accessories,

OneDrive 1

Open it, below is how it should look,

OneDrive 2

Click the + button in the top left of the Onedriver window, and select the mountpoint.

The mountpoint is /home/lab1user/Desktop/Onedrive, see example below:

OneDrive 3

Select the mountpoint, and you will be prompted to enter your UoP credentials. Accept the permissions.

OneDrive 4

Once you enter your login and password it will sync to your Onedrive account, which subsequently will be accessible via the Onedriver folder on your desktop.

OneDrive 5


Stop your LAB VM

IMPORTANT logout & shutdown instructions – please read.

When your work is complete it is essential to logout of the VM and then shut it down. This will ensure you do not unnecessarily waste your limited hours for this lab. Please follow these steps,

Click on your username (lab1user) in the top right of the session,

Logout 1

Select Log Out,

Logout 2

Back on the Azure LAB services web page, you will see the VM is still running,

Logout 3

It is essential the VM is shutdown using the toggle switch,

Logout 4 Logout 5

URL for your LAB

Once registered you can return to your Azure lab at any time using this url My Virtul Machine - Azure Lab Services